What to do in an Emergency?

In case of emergencies, the following institutions provide assistance throughout Austria:

  • Telephone Counselling Service (Telefonseelsorge): Call 142 (emergency hotline), available 24/7. They offer telephone, email, and chat counseling for people in difficult life situations or crises.
    Website: www.telefonseelsorge.at.
  • Emergency Medical Services (Rettung): Call 144.
  • Police: Call 133. They handle crisis intervention and prevention for self-endangerment or endangerment by others.
    Website: www.polizei.gv.at.
  • Helpline of the Austrian Association of Psychologists (Berufsverbandes Österreichischer Psycholog*innen): Call 01 504 8000. They provide assistance in acute crises and information about mental illnesses. Available Monday to Thursday from 09:00 to 13:00.
  • Weisser Ring Victim Support (Weisser Ring Verbrechensopferhilfe): Call 0800 112 112. Toll-free hotline for individuals who have become victims of crimes.
    Website: www.weisser-ring.at.
  • Women's Helpline (Frauenhelpline): Call 0800 222 555, available 24/7. The Women's Helpline against Violence offers information, support, relief, and empowerment, even in acute situations.
    Website: www.frauenhelpline.at.
  • 24-Hour Women's Emergency Hotline (24-Stunden Frauennotruf): Call 01 7171 9, available 24/7. It is a contact point for women and girls (age 14 and above) who have experienced or are experiencing sexual, physical, or psychological violence. They provide immediate assistance, crisis intervention, and support in going to the police, victim advocates, court, or hospitals.
    Website: www.wien.gv.at/menschen/frauen/beratung/frauennotruf.
  • Men's Emergency Hotline (Männernotruf): Call 0800 246 247, available 24/7. It is the primary contact point for men in crisis and violent situations.
    Website: www.maennernotruf.at.
  • Men's Information Line (Männerinfo): Call 0800 400 777, available 24/7. They offer telephone crisis counseling services nationwide, including interpreter services if needed. Anonymous and free of charge.
    Website: www.maennerinfo.at.
  • Rat auf Draht: Call 147, available 24/7. Counseling service for children and adolescents, anonymously.
    Website: www.rataufdraht.at.
  • Children's Emergency Hotline (Kindernotruf): Call 0800 567 567, available 24/7. They provide telephone counseling for acute crises and conflicts, especially in cases of violence and sexual abuse.
    Website: www.verein-lichtblick.at.
  • Child Protection Center die möwe (Kinderschutzzentrum die möwe): Call 01 532 15 15. They offer free concrete support and professional help for children, adolescents, and their caregivers who have experienced physical, mental, or sexual violence. Operating hours: Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 17:00, Friday from 9:00 to 14:00.
    Website: www.die-moewe.at.